SHP Special Hermetic Products Inc. Providing Reliable Hermetic Solutions
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Mr. Jack Pollock

Mr. Jack Pollock has a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire and has been a registered engineer in New Hampshire since 1960.

Jack has enjoyed a successful career in the area of product conception, development and production, first in the area of industrial axial compressors and for many years in the military airborne electronics field, primarily broad band counter measures equipment. His fields of expertise include stress analysis, vibration, shock and heat transfer. In addition, he has significant management experience having successfully managed a number of programs from conception to production, including:
  • AN/ALQ-94 for F-111 A/C - Physical Design Manager
  • AN/ALQ-137 for FB-111 A/C - Chief Engineer and Program Manager
  • AN/ALQ-137 V4 for EF-111 A/C - Program Manager
  • AN/USM-464 Computerized Flight Line Test Set - Development/Production Program Manager
In 1986, Jack founded a successful mechanical engineering consulting firm, Product Engineering Associates, working primarily with the microwave industry.

Then in 1988, Jack founded Special Hermetic Products, Inc. which is dedicated to the provision of high reliability solutions to historically nagging hermeticity problems plaguing the microwave industry. SHP currently serves over 100 companies (US and foreign) with high reliability hermetic products.

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